Wednesday, May 21, 2014

AP-Euro students finally learn outcome of World War II*

This Thursday a wave of relief swept over Edina High School students as all three classes of advanced placement European history finally learned the resolution of World War II. “Frankly, I don’t think that anyone could have predicted it. Mr. Baron’s been teasing that World War I wouldn’t be the last global conflict centered around Europe, but the way everything went down, wow. All I can say is that no one saw it coming.”
In a recent gallup poll of all AP euro students, 79% reported being surprised by the endgame of the second world war. Most of those polled also responded positively to the ending. Sandra Egman, a sophomore enrolled in AP euro, “I really like how it was such a heroic story. The fascists were rising in power, taking over all sorts of countries, then Britain and France declared war on them. The Axis was winning, all hope seems lost, then America joins the war effort and it starts to be an even match. I’m really glad to see that everything turned out well for the good guys because I was really scared that the Germans might have won.”
However, some of the students criticized the second world war for gratuitous use of shock value to engage students. “It just seemed like they were trying too hard to keep us interested, it all felt so forced,” said student Andrew Johnson, “And the ending was an obvious attempt to keep us coming back to future classes. I mean, seriously, the only reason they kept the Soviet Union around so that there’s another enemy for the U.S. to duke it out with.”

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