King Henry VIII: Powerful monarch of England who was known for his many wives and establishment of The Church of England. This is pretty surprising, all in all, since if I saw him walking down the street today I'd assume that he spends his days playing Magic: The Gathering against himself in his mom's basement. He just kind of has that look, you know?
Iconoclastic pirates: I kind of forget what these are, exactly, but they sure sound cool.
Surrealism: An artistic movement, taking place mostly over the course of the 20th century, during which the most common reaction to art stopped being "Wow, this is really good, I couldn't do this" and started being, "What the crap is this?"
The Black Hand of Death: A group of Serbian nationalist extremists. One of the members of this violent political faction murdered Archduke Franz Ferdinand, sparking the first world war. I assume that the group disbanded sometime after that, since we never heard anything more about them, but maybe that's just what they want us to think.
Cult of personality: A step in the rise to power of most totalitarian leaders in the 20th. The cult of personality, a tactic used by Mussolini, Stalin, Hitler and Ceasescu, mostly revolves around the leader in question forcing portraits of themselves into every house and business in the country. While many aspects of totalitarianism are pretty stupid, the cult of personality seems to be the dumbest of them since, to date, there has not been a single notably good looking tyrant. They're mostly just old guys in military uniforms.
Rome: An empire that was the premier power in the western world from 509 BC to 476 AD, exerting tremendous influence on the surrounding areas before eventually falling. Rome (Or Italy as it is now known) now has little major influence on the world around it.
Spain: An empire that was the premier power in the western world from 1469 to the early 1600s, exerting tremendous influence on the surrounding areas before eventually falling. Spain now has little major influence on the world around it.
Britain: An empire that was the premier power in the western world from, you know what, this seems awfully familiar, doesn't it?
The United States of America: An empire that was the premier power in the western world from 1950 to 2018, exerting tremendous influence on the surrounding areas before eventually falling. The United States now has little major influence on the world around it.
Population explosion: Wow, this sounds pretty gross. What, did everyone in an entire nation eat napalm or something?
El Hechizado: Mentally disturbed, horribly inbred, disabled heir to the Spanish throne. He died at the age of 39, which must have sucked, but he didn't have to go to school, had his every whim attended to, and had a super-awesome nickname, so he must have had it pretty good.
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