Friday, March 11, 2016

Overly Complex Prom-Posal Goes Horribly Wrong

Sources confirmed that last night senior Wallace Ginsburg sat, watching the flaming wreckage burn down, and considered that perhaps he had been a tad bit too ambitious with his prom-posal for senior Sandy Ross.

“I mean, it would have been so awesome if it had worked,” said Ginsburg to reporters as firemen extinguished the last remaining flames coming from the burnt out husks of two crashed blimps. “I was going to ride in, stepping from one zepplin to the other, and then I’d press a switch that lit up burning letters behind me saying, ‘SR+WG=PROM?’ That’s when the fireworks were supposed to start.”
“I’d probably say that my big mistake was not making some sort of harness that kept the blimps from crashing into each other. Either that or having the hubris to think this would work in the first place,” said Ginsburg when asked what one fault led to Edina’s largest blimp explosion on record, with flames reaching higher and devouring more than even the Fethten Fiasco of 1934.
Ginsburg was said the most painful part was when he, “Visited Sandy in the burn ward of the hospital, and she said she was really honored and all, but Emrec Westlirb asked her last week.”

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